Johnson-Brock Physical Education


Physical Education is a participation class. ALL students are required to "Dress Out" in appropriate PE clothes everyday, unless instructed otherwise. The grading system is as follows:

Daily Participation Grade:

5 points possible each day.

(1) if on time and be "Dressed Out" and ready to participate.
(1) if successfully completing the warm-up.
(1) if successfully completing the activity.
(1) if participating with a Positive Attitude.
(1) if participating with a Positive Effort.

Skills Evaluations:

Skills evealuations will be given after some of the units. Points will vary from activity to activity.

Written Exams:

Written Exams will be given at the end of certain units. Points will vary from unit to unit.

Fitness Exams:

Fitness Exams will be given each semester. Points will be awarded on overall improvement.

Total Points:
All points will be added for a final grade.

*****Failure to "Dress Out" will result in a "0" for that day.